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      Serial Majara Ha-ye Chera ( The Adventures of Chera )

      Serial Majara Ha-ye Chera ( The Adventures of Chera )

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      Directed by: Ali Zare
      2014 - No subtitles
      The Adventures of Chera
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      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
      • «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...
        «The Adventures of Chera» is a 1393 family-child series, directed by «Ali Zare» and «Shiva Darvish». The series revolves around a puppet character named «Chera». In his new adventures, Chera accompanies «Aunt Sara» and some of his other friends...