The Blue Whale is a home network series directed by Fereydoun Ji and written by Bahram Tavakoli and produced by Saeed Malekan. In this series, Leila Hatami, Saed Soheili, Mostafa Zamani, Hossein Yari, Vishka Asayesh, Hamidreza Azarang, Azadeh Samadi, Setareh Pesyani, Farhad Ayesh and Elham Korda play. The investors of this collection are Saeed Malekan, Honar Aval and Filimo.
In the blue whale of the side roads, Nader introduces the world to Parviz and makes an appointment with him in order to eliminate Parviz. Ghazal seeks to understand the secret of Nader's past life, Haleh is involved with the site of the blue whale, and Morvarid and Armin pick up the domino pieces in such a way that they are supposed to be closer to Parviz ...
The Blue Whale is a home network series directed by Fereydoun Ji and written by Bahram Tavakoli and produced by Saeed Malekan. In this series, Leila Hatami, Saed Soheili, Mostafa Zamani, Hossein Yari, Vishka Asayesh, Hamidreza Azarang, Azadeh Samadi, Setareh Pesyani, Farhad Ayesh and Elham Korda play. The investors of this collection are Saeed Malekan, Honar Aval and Filimo.
In the blue whale of the side roads, Nader introduces the world to Parviz and makes an appointment with him in order to eliminate Parviz. Ghazal seeks to understand the secret of Nader's past life, Haleh is involved with the site of the blue whale, and Morvarid and Armin pick up the domino pieces in such a way that they are supposed to be closer to Parviz ...